Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do some Security Levels drop to 0 when the User logs in?
  • Why are Users getting garbage when logging into my BBS?

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Why do some Security Levels drop to 0 when the User logs in?

    If you have set the maximum download in ProCfg/Download Limits and have not changed the Fall-to Level to some level other than 0 (default), then the User will be dropped to level 0 when they reach the Maximum Download limit and in effect locked out of your system.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Why are Users getting garbage when logging into my BBS?

    This is usually a result of the COM port (controlled by the fossil driver) being locked and the modem not setup to work with a locked BaudRate or vice versa.

    To lock the COM port using X00 for DOS/Windows, use :
    DEVICE=X00.SYS E [ports to enable] b,[port-1],[baudrate]
    Add as many b,.... as you have modems to setup.

    For SIO under OS/2, use :
    DEVICE=SIO.SYS (COM[port]:[baudrate],,,)

    Read the SIO manual for more information.