Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which Fido Mailers can be used with ProBoard?
  • Which Fido Tossers can be used with ProBoard?
  • Can I display the last BBS caller in my Mailer's idle screen?
  • Why does ProBoard say every call is at xxx baud?
  • What converts my ProBoard MESSAGES.PB into ...?
  • What is the ECHOTOSS.LOG file?
  • What converts the ECHOTOSS.LOG into something useful?

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Which Fido Mailers can be used with ProBoard?

    Argus Version YR F C S Download Sites
    95 3.144 98 M S X   [Author - USA] [Soviet Union]
    NT 3.144 98 M S X   [Author - USA] [Soviet Union]
    BeeMail Version YR F C S Download Sites
    W16 1.00 98 M C X   [License - Finland]
    W16 3.05 97 M D X   [Author - Finland]
    95/NT 1.00 98 M C X   [License - Finland]
    95/NT 3.27 98 M D X   [Author - Finland]
    Binkley Term Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 2.60 96 M F X   [Germany] [USA]
    NT 2.60 96 M F X   [Germany] [USA]
    OS2 2.60 96 M F X   [Germany] [USA]
    Binkley Term - XE Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS XR5 97 M F X   [Germany] [USA]
    NT XR5 97 M F X   [Germany] [USA]
    OS2 XR5 97 M F X   [Germany] [USA]
    CantaLoup/2 Version YR F C S Download Sites
    OS2 1.00 97 M S X   [Author - Switzerland]
    D'Bridge Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.58 94 M F     [USA]
    Front Door Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 2.12 94 M S X   [Author - Sweden]
    DOS 2.20c 94 M C X   [Author - Sweden]
    W16/95/NT/OS2 1.12a 97 M S X   [Author - Sweden]
    W16/95/NT/OS2 1.12d 97 M C X   [Author - Sweden]
    InterMail Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 2.29k 98 M D X   [USA]
    DOS 2.5x 98 M C X   [Order - USA]
    MainDoor Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.10g7 96 M F     [USA]
    OS2 1.10g7 96 M F     [USA]
    McMail Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.00 96 M S X   [Author - Germany]
    Portal of Power Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 0.63b8 96 M F X   [Canada]
    DPMI 0.62g 96 M F X   [Canada]
    T-Mail Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 2.603 97 M F X   [Soviet Union] [USA]
    95/NT 2.603 97 M F X   [Soviet Union] [USA]
    OS2 2.603 97 M F X   [Soviet Union] [USA]
    Xenia Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.98 98 M F X   [Author - Netherlands]
    DOS 1.98.05+ 98 M C X   [Author - Netherlands]
    OS2 1.98 98 M F X   [Author - Netherlands]
    OS2 1.98.05+ 98 M C X   [Author - Netherlands]
    F column = Function

    B = BBS
    C = Compression
    F = Fossil
    G = GateWay
    M = Mailer
    N = NodeList
    O = Other
    P = Point
    T = Tosser

    C column = Cost

    C = Commercial
    D = DemoWare with expire
    F = FreeWare
    G = Free w/Source
    P = Private, noncommercial
    S = ShareWare
    X = CrippleWare
    Year Released

    Registered Owners Only

    Support Site
    MultiFunction software is listed by the first match in Function!

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Which Fido Tossers can be used with ProBoard?

    Altair Version YR F C S Download Sites
    95/NT 1.21 97 T S X   [Author - Canada] [USA]
    FastEcho Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.46.1 97 T S X   [Netherlands] [USA]
    DPMI 1.46.1 97 T S X   [Netherlands] [USA]
    OS2 1.46.1 97 T S X   [Netherlands] [USA]
    FMail Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.22 96 T S X   [USA] [USA]
    DOS 1.42g* 98 T C X   [Author - Netherlands] [USA]
    DPMI 1.22 96 T S X   [USA] [USA]
    DPMI 1.42g* 98 T C X   [Author - Netherlands] [USA]
    95/NT 1.22 96 T S X   [USA] [USA]
    95/NT 1.42g* 98 T C X   [Author - Netherlands] [USA]
    OS2 1.22 96 T S X   [USA] [USA]
    OS2 1.42g* 98 T C X   [Author - Netherlands] [USA]
    GEcho Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.00 95 T S     [Author's site is off-line] [USA]
    DOS 1.11/Plus 95 T C     [Author's site is off-line]
    DOS 1.20/Pro 95 T C     [Author's site is off-line]
    OS2 1.20/Pro 95 T C     [Author's site is off-line]
    IMail Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS 1.85g1 97 T S X   [Author - Germany] [USA]
    Squish Version YR F C S Download Sites
    DOS/W16/95/NT 1.11 96 T P X   [Author - Canada] [C Order] [USA]
    OS2 1.11 96 T P X   [Author - Canada] [C Order] [USA]
    F column = Function

    B = BBS
    C = Compression
    F = Fossil
    G = GateWay
    M = Mailer
    N = NodeList
    O = Other
    P = Point
    T = Tosser
    C column = Cost

    C = Commercial
    D = DemoWare with expire
    F = FreeWare
    G = Free w/Source
    P = Private, noncommercial
    S = ShareWare
    X = CrippleWare
    Year Released

    Registered Owners Only

    Support Site
    MultiFunction software is listed by the first match in Function!

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Can I display the last BBS caller in my Mailer's idle screen?

    Yes, it depends upon which mailer you are using.

    Program Name Author Mailers Supported
      [Last On]   Filip Duyck FrontDoor, MainDoor
      [LastXen]   Ruben Provoost Xenia
      [PB 2 InterMail]   Branislav Slantchev InterMail
      [PB Last Caller]    Eddie van Loon FrontDoor, InterMail
      [PB Last Caller]   Wolfgang Hommel FrontDoor

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Why does ProBoard say every call is at xxx baud?

      If you are using ErrorLevels to pass the Baudrate of the call to ProBoard, make sure you are checking them in reverse order.
    If errorlevel 562 goto 56200:
    If errorlevel 336 goto 33600:
    If errorlevel 288 goto 28800:
    If errorlevel 264 goto 26400:
    If errorlevel 240 goto 24000:
    If errorlevel 120 goto 1200:

      The ideal way is to use the DOBBS.BAT method for passing the Caller information to ProBoard.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What converts my ProBoard MESSAGES.PB into ...?


    [SCiUTIL] , by Branislav Slantchev at Silicon Creations, exports your Message base to a plain ASCII text file, which you can then edit, and import back. SCiUTIL does a lot more than this one function and is FreeWare.


    ProBoard comes with a CONVERT SIMULx utility to convert MESSAGES.PB, CONFIG.PRO and FILECFG.PRO into either Remote Access 1.xx or 2.xx format allowing Remote Access Doors to run in ProBoard!
    CONVERT SIMUL1 (for Remote Access 1.xx)
    CONVERT SIMUL2 (for Remote Access 2.0x)


    [PIMPORT] by James Padgett at Logical Decisions Group reads an AREAS.BBS or a SQUISH.CFG file and imports any new areas into MESSAGES.PB using a template area you have selected for flags, levels, AKAs, etc.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What is the ECHOTOSS.LOG file?

    ECHOTOSS.LOG is a plain ASCII file that ProBoard creates/appends to whenever an EchoMail Message is entered on your BBS.

    This file only seems to be compatible with the Squish message base format and the Squish mail tosser.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What converts the ECHOTOSS.LOG into something useful?

    There are 2 programs that can convert the ECHOTOSS.LOG file into an ECHOMAIL.JAM file that can be used by most Mail Tossers to make the scanning of new echomail to be packed for exporting a lot faster.


    [JAMMIT] is FreeWare by Sarah & Faye Pearson at the former Fe-line Software, works on-the-fly, meaning that when setup in your ProBoard Menu's, an ECHOMAIl.JAM file complete with message ID's is created as and when messages are entered into an echomail message area.

    JAMMIT will only work on a system with only 1 remote node.


    [PBJAM] by Steven Williams at the former RiverStyx BBS, converts the ECHOTOSS.LOG into ECHOTOSS.JAM without message ID's.