Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are Offline Mail Doors?
  • What formats of Offline Mail Doors are available?
  • Where can I get an Offline Mail Door?

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What are Offline Mail Doors?

    Offline Mail Doors are an extension to your BBS which offer the User a way to download a message packet which contains all the new mail. The User can then use an Offline Mail Reader to read the packets.

    After reading their message packet offline, the User can optionally log back onto your BBS and upload a message reply packet with any replies or new messages they created. The Offline Mail Door will process the uploaded message packet and insert the messages into the correct message area.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What formats of Offline Mail Doors are available?

    • QWK is one of the first Offline Mail Packet formats and is very simple in structure. The QWK standard has been extended many times to cope with improvements to BBS packages. QWK packets can contain bulletins and new file lists as well as a few other information screens.
    • BlueWave is an open format which was designed to be extended. It is now capable of fax routing, netmail, Internet Email and is continually being updated.
    • OPX -Includes direct support for Internet Email, Fido/UUCP gating, Fido Netmail, Faxing, Forms processing and Complete offline Mail Configuration.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Where can I get an Offline Mail Door?


    BlueWave v3.11

    • Any ProBoard Support BBS should have BlueWave available for download.

    • Many ProBoard BBSs will also have BlueWave available for download.
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